Eri Heart
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Soul Sessions

Soul sessions are an amazing way to get to know the story of your soul, why you are here, who you’ve been and what you’ve done during different lifetimes, and the lessons you have learned and are continuing to learn. They can lead you down a road of healing and transformation and remind you of your intuitive gifts and life purpose. During a soul session, I access a realm called the Akashic Records.


What are the Akashic Records?

The record of every soul and its journey is written in the Akashic Records. The Records include each soul’s origins, paths, and lessons throughout all of its lifetimes. This includes past lives, present circumstances, and future possibilities. The Records tell a story from your soul’s perspective - one that sees you in your perfection and can widen the lens on problems, their origin, and what action steps to take.

Spiritual Coaching + Eri Gaeta + Psychospiritual Guide + Spiritual Work + Soul Sessions + Psychotherapy.jpg


How is it different from a psychic reading?

It's a bit unlike a psychic reading because it usually isn't focused around exact predictive details of what will happen in your future, though I do get some details here and there and can confirm the rightness of something you're thinking of doing. The Records tend to focus on the deeper truth underneath your passion, purpose and obstacles along the way. They provide guidance and perspective on choices and personal direction. They also give confirmation, insight, and guidance on emotional and psychological states.

What can you explore in a Soul Session?

A reading can be useful at any time. If you’re going through a significant life issue, having trouble with a relationship, confused about what path to take, or working at figuring out your passion, the Akashic Records can provide incredible spiritual insight.

Who am I getting information from during a reading?

When I first started to do this work, I was thrilled to find out that we all have what I call a Spiritual Team. In the Akashic Record realm, they are called our Lords, Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. Some of these Spirits have been with us in our lives as humans and some are more general guides that look after us during our journey. When I’m communicating with a person’s Spiritual Team, I can always feel the love and support coming through. Sometimes I like to refer to them as Spiritual therapists since they can help tremendously with emotional and psychological clarity.


How It Works

What can you expect from a Soul Session?

  • During a reading, I am relaying your soul's perspective on issues in your human life; in my experience, this can be very healing for people and can free them of stuckness and anything else the human ego tries to complicate.

  • I ask that clients write down a number of questions before our session. In order to get the best results, it is best to use questions that start with ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how’.

  • The Records may give deep, emotional causes for problems, which can be related to this life, past lives, or ancestral patterns, as well as practical steps you can take to heal a part of yourself that needs attention. I've found that the Records deliver exactly what a person needs to hear at a given time.


How do I access the Records?

I use the Pathway Prayer Process, founded by Linda Howe (, founder of the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies, in order to access the Records. It’s a short prayer that Linda Howe received from the Records in 2001. Part of the prayer is said aloud and other parts are said silently. The only things I need from you are an open heart and mind and your full, legal name.

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Sample questions to ask the Records

  • What is my life purpose and how do I achieve it?

  • What are my self-limiting behaviors and beliefs and how do I release them?

  • How are my past lives informing my current situation?

  • What can you tell me about my career path? What other options are there for me?

  • How do I start loving myself?

  • What do I need to know about moving forward in my career? Creative life?

  • What is the origin of my health issue/love issue/life problem?

  • Why haven’t I found love?

Eri Gaeta + Psychospiritual Guide + Spiritual Work + Soul Sessions + Spiritual Coaching + Psychotherapy + Akashic Records + Somatic Experiencing + Internal Family Systems + EMDR.jpg

Eri Heart's Soul Session was the deeply discerning connection with Source and Spirit guides I have sought for some time. The readings offered balanced observations, affirming acknowledgements, and next-step challenges. Eri skillfully engaged with my ancestors and several of my past lives, listening to their messages regarding my life now and action steps to help move me towards my goals.

— Soul session