What it is
Monthly Transformational Breathwork Group
Second Sunday of each month, starting January 12, 2025, 5-7pm EST
In a virtual group setting, you will engage in an active two-part breath that helps you get past your head and into your heart, move through emotional blocks, harmonize energy systems, and cultivate profound inner peace. You can also expect to foster a deep connection with your body. With profound surrender on your breathwork journey, you can trust that whatever is on the other side is meant for your highest good. Price for each group is $50.
Transformational Breathwork Group
What are the benefits?
If you are curious about untraditional ways of healing, want to move through emotional blocks more quickly than they would in talk therapy, and you enjoy exploring deep emotions, some of the benefits of Transformational Breathwork include:
Access to a nonjudgmental space where you can experience deep emotions
Feeling safer in your body
Interrupt and heal fight/flight/freeze
Gaining insight into problems and patterns that are hard to crack
Experiences of catharsis
Diminish anxiety and depression
Get out of your head and into your body
Improve your cellular and overall health
Nervous system regulation
What it is
Self-Love Group
8 weeks, beginning February 16, 2025
I've been feeling a nudge to run this group for a while now - it was like someone tapping me on the shoulder a few times a week. In many therapy sessions, personal meditations, and conversations with friends, I kept hearing messages about self-worth and how troubling it can be to maintain a sense of self-love. What struck me even more was how difficult it is for people to define what self-love really is. Is it taking a bath and eating right? Is it feeling confident and self-assured? Is it something else altogether or everything all at once? I'm hoping that, as a group, we can figure this whole thing out for ourselves and start to live in true, love soaked alignment.
I'm asking about 9-13 people to show up with vulnerability in order to connect with others and normalize the process of learning about self-love and the struggles that come with it.
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.
Self-Love Group
Join me as we…
+ Investigate blocks to self-love
+ Get honest about our self-critical voice
+ Process trauma
+ Cultivate and create regular self-love practices
+ Explore the spiritual side of self-love
+ Learn to trust our intuition
+ Do breathwork to remove emotional barriers to self-love
+ Change how we talk to ourselves, about ourselves, and about others
+ Connect on Telegram to share weekly resources, conversations, and check-ins